Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 4 - Sewanee Tennessee

We have not seen the sun since we left Omaha last Friday!  Sheesh!
Despite the gloom, our trip is going beautifully!  We got up Monday morning, had one more DELICIOUS leisurely breakfast at the Westin, then set out across the river on our journey to SEWANEE, TN and the University of the South.  The 7 hour drive was smooth and uneventful - except for a 45 minute traffic stoppage due to an accident.
When we arrived at Sewanee, the rain decided to take a break and we were able to enjoy the campus.  We stopped at the bookstore for directions and to buy a U of the South shirt for dad. We then began looking for Johnson Hall, which was home to Hal during 1943-1945 - after enlisting in the Navy.  It was part of the Navy's officer training program and the influx of Navy men probably saved the struggling all male University back in the early 40s.  There were only about 28 non-Navy students and the 700 - 800 Navy men filled the campus.

The campus is a beautiful and thriving coed campus today, set atop a mountain and nestled in lush woods.  There are many new buildings, but they have matched the old stone from the original buildings.

We asked a student for directions to Johnson Hall, where Dad lived on the campus. It looks much the same as it did 68 years ago, but it is now an ALL GIRLS dorm.  There are also many more huge trees.

Boy, if those stone walls could talk.........
We enjoyed the campus and had a nice dinner in a little restaurant there.  When we left, it was beginning to sprinkle and we had torrential rain most of the way back to Nashville, where we spent the night in Opryland.  (all we saw was the inside of room 321 at the Hampton Inn, but that was about all we had energy for by that time!)  Maybe we will see the sun tomorrow!

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