Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 6 - End of Day - Oak Grove correction

I wanted to make one more trip to Oak Grove on our way to our Blue Springs motel.  It was my hope that someone might be home, so I could introduce myself and dad.
Sure enough, there was a man outside the garage.  I parked and told him who I was and how beautiful they have kept the house.  I told him I had taken photos for my blog and he very kindly told me that he thought I might be thinking of the house next door - that burned down five years ago!  He said his house was the Webb house, which had been a similar style to Grandma and Grandpa's house and the Webb's had been their next door neighbors.  And OMG, he was RIGHT!  His wife came out (she was born and raised in Oak Grove and knew everyone and everything) and told us the story.  It was being rented at the time.  The house is completely gone and the barn had fallen years before that.  The garage and chicken coop are all that remain, but it felt so familiar to walk the property and remember.  Really sad, but again, the land remembers - and so do we.

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