Monday, September 12, 2011

Planning the trip.

This is my first attempt at a blog, but it seemed like a darn good way to take you all along as I accompany my dad on a journey back to the homes of his boyhood.  (as well as the homes of my early childhood!)
We will be traveling through Missouri and into Tennessee, stopping many places along the route to visit the land that has been home to Lankfords for centuries. (well, at least two...)

The travelers:  Hal and Kathi

I suppose I should try to find something a bit more current, but I really love this picture!

This is a bit more recent (but not nearly as cute!)

We plan to leave from Omaha on Friday morning (September 16) and I hope to post each day.  Please check back to see new posts and pictures.  (but cut me some slack if I miss a day - I am going to be doing a LOT of driving!  If you think texting and driving is dangerous, just imagine BLOGGING and driving!)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea to blog but not to drive and blog at the same time!
